Sunday, November 15, 2009

Find well/bore depth and static water level.....

To find the depth of a bore/well, lower a weight on a LIGHT string into the bore/well until you feel it hit the bottom. Then mark the string at the top of the well, pull it out and measure the length of the string that was down the well/bore. NOTE. You need to use a light string in deep bores/wells (light fishing line may be good). If the string is too heavy and the weight too light, the weight of the actual string can make it difficult to feel when you hit the bottom .

To find the static water level, lower a small bottle (with a little sand or gravel in it to give it weight if it is a plastic bottle) into the bore/well on the end of a LIGHT string until you feel it hit the water surface. Then mark the string at the top of the bore/well, pull it out and measure the length of the string that was down the well/bore.


  1. There are also metered tape to lower it in the well with light bulb on the service to show the contact with water level and depth.

  2. Thanks Tom, just what I was looking for in dry West Africa. Simple is beautiful here.

    1. Thanks for sharing information on Brumby Pumps, i have visited your blog great post...........

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  3. We have been studying water in my biology class at school. It's amazing to see the good a clean water system can do! I'm so glad that so many people care and want to help with making our water clean and safe to drink!

    1. Thanks Laurey for your comment. The Brumby Pump is bound to be a great solution for many clients of your drilling company.....
